Monday, December 16, 2013

Jangan cakap dengan aku tentang Muhammad itu

it would be such a pleasure to have you come along with me,
I accept your gracious offer of kindness and company.
But as we walk along young man and as you help me with my load,
I’ve only one request as we travel down this road,
Don’t talk to me about Muhammad.
Because of him there is no peace and I have trouble in my mind,
so don’t talk to me about Muhammad
and as we walk along together we will get along just fine,
and as we walk along together we will get along.
That man upsets me so, and so much more than you could know,
I hear of his name and reputation everywhere I go.
Though his family and his clan once knew him as an honest man,
he’s dividing everyone with his claim that “God is One”
So don’t talk to me about Muhammad.

Because of him there is no peace and I have trouble in my mind,
so don’t talk to me about Muhammad
and as we walk along together we will get along just fine,
and as we walk along together we will get along.
He’s misled all the weak ones and the poor ones and the slaves,
They think they’ve all found wealth and freedom following his ways.
He’s corrupted all the youth with his twisted brand of truth
convinced them they all are strong, given them somewhere to belong.
So don’t talk to me about Muhammad.
Because of him there is no peace and I have trouble in my mind,
so don’t talk to me about Muhammad
and as we walk along together we will
will get along just fine,
and as we walk along together we will get along.
Thank you now young man, you’ve really been so kind
Your generosity and smile are very rare to find.
Let me give you some advice, since you’ve been so very nice,
From Muhammad stay away, don’t heed his words or emulate his way.
And don’t talk about Muhammad,
or you will never have true peace and trouble is all you will find.
So don’t talk about Muhammad
and as you travel down life’s road you will get along just fine.
Now before we part and go, if it’s alright just the same,
may I ask, my dear young man, who you are? What is your name?
Forgive me – what was that? Your words weren’t very clear,
my ears are getting old – sometimes its difficult to hear.
It is truly rather funny, though I’m sure I must be wrong,
but I thought I heard you said that your name is Muhammad……
Ash haduallah ilaha il Allah wa Ash hadu ana Muhammad ur-Rasulullah.
Oh talk to me Muhammad!
Ada seorang wanita yahudi tua yg duduk dipasar..setiap kali ada orang lalu lalang,pasti si yahudi tua tersebut akan menghina dan mencaci Rasulullah SAW.

"Muhammad itu penipu..jangan kalian dengar kata2 nya.."

"Jangan kalian bercakap tentang Muhammad di depan aku,aku tidak suka.."

Suatu hari,Rasulullah berjalan lalu ternampak wanita yahudi tua tersebut.Rasulullah berasa kasihan terhadapnya.Lalu Rasulullah menolong wanita tersebut dengan menyuap roti kedalam mulut wanita tersebut dengan penuh lemah lembut.Tetapi..wanita itu masih terus menerus bercakap buruk tentang Rasulullah..Rasulullah hanya senyap dan tersenyum dan meneruskan suapan tersebut.

Setiap hari Rasulullah mendatangi wanita itu untuk menyuapnya.Setiap hari juga la wanita itu tetap dengan sikapnya yg tak henti2 mmburukkan rasulullah.Rasulullah masih menyuap wanita ini sehinggalah baginda wafat.

Beberapa hari selepas baginda wafat,Saidina Abu Bakar pergi berjumpa dengn anaknya Aisyah..

"wahai aisyah,amalan Rasulullah yg manakah lagi belum aku kerjakan?"

"wahai ayahanda..semua sunnah baginda telah engkau lakukan kecuali satu..iaitu menyuapseorg  wanita yahudi tua yg buta di pasar."

mendengar cerita itu,Abu Bakar terus pergi ke pasar untuk menyuap wanita itu.

sampai saja abu bakar di sana,wanita itu terus berkata..

"jangan engkau bercakap denganku tentang Muhammad itu..dia itu penipu."

Abu bakar hanya senyap dan terus menyuap wanita itu.suapan abu bakar yg pertama telah dibuang atau diludah  (kurang pasti)oleh wanita itu.Wanita itu terus bertanya..

"siapakah engkau?"

"aku lah org yg biasa menyuap engkau."

"bukan..orang yg biasa menyuap aku itu akan menyuap roti ini dgn penuh lemah lembut..tidak seperti engkau"

"jadi engkau tidak tahu siapa yg selama ini selalu menyuapmu?"

"tidak..siapakah dia?"

"dialah Muhammad..Rasulullh SAW.Baginda telah wafat,baru sahaja."

wanita yahudi tersebut terkejut.tidak disangka sangka lelaki yg sering dikutuknya,dimakinya..dicacinya selama ini rupa2 nya dialah yg setiap hari menyuapnya makan.

wanita tersebut terus mengucapkan kalimah syahadah di depan saidina abu bakar tersebut..



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